JUMP TOCommonService listAuthenticationJCV Cloud AnySeeEntities/FacesCreate a face entitypostList face entitiesgetRetrieve a face entitygetUpdate a face entityputUpdate a face entitypatchDelete a face entitydeleteCompare with an existing face entitypostSearch among face entitiespostDetects all face entitiespostCompare the face entitiespostModelsList modelsgetJCV Cloud LivenessImagesliveness detection based on imagespostJCV Cloud Identity ManagerIdentitiesCreate an identitypostList identitiesgetRetrieve an identitygetUpdate an identitypatchDelete an identitydeleteUpdate the groups an identity belongs toputChange an identity's User IDpostCompare the identitypostSearch among identitiespostPortraitsRetrieve an identity portraitgetUpdate an identity portraitputDelete an identity portraitdeleteCreate a portrait self-registration linkpostQRCodesRetrieve a QR codegetDecode the QR codepostGroupsCreate a grouppostList groupsgetGet a groupgetUpdate a grouppatchDelete a groupdeleteAdd identities to a grouppostRemove identities from a grouppostProvisioningCreate a registration access tokenpostJCV Cloud Device ManagerDevicesList devicesgetRetrieve a devicegetUpdate a devicepatchDelete a devicedeleteLinksCreate a linkpostList all linksgetRetrieve a linkgetDelete a linkdeleteRetrieve a QR codegetGroupsCreate a grouppostList groupsgetRetrieve a groupgetUpdate a grouppatchDelete a groupdeleteAdd devices to a grouppostRemove devices from a grouppostJCV Cloud Event ManagerEventsList eventsgetRetrieve an eventgetRetrieve an event imagegetAttendanceList attendance recordsgetJCV Cloud Access ManagerPermissionsCreate a permissionpostList PermissionsgetGet a permissiongetUpdate a permissionpatchDelete a permissiondeleteJCV Cloud Face LoginCredentialsReset passwordpostUnlock a userpostDelete a user's Windows registration infodeleteJCV Cloud Profile ManagerProfilesCreate a profilepostList profilesgetRetrieve a profilegetUpdate a profilepatchDelete a profiledeleteRetrieve a profile portraitgetSearch or insert a profilepostVisitsList visit historiesgetRetrieve a visit historygetRetrieve a visit snapshotgetPowered by Create a face entitypost https://anysee.ap-northeast-1.cloud.japancv.co.jp/api/v1/entities/facesAdd a face entity for searching.